Thymus camphoratus
Thymus camphoratus is an upright shrub with white velvet leaves and an aroma of camphor and summer.
Thymus camphoratus is an upright shrub with white velvet leaves and an aroma of camphor and summer.
Thymus Coccineus – ‘Creeping Red’
Thymus Coccineus ‘Creeping Red’ has deep-green, aromatic foliage that is sprinkled with light rose-coloured flowers all summer-long.
Thymus Coccineus ‘Creeping Red’ has deep-green, aromatic foliage that is sprinkled with light rose-coloured flowers all summer-long.
Thymus longicaulis ‘Odoratus’
A fast-growing ground cover with strongly aromatic leaves, and bright pink flowers in early summer.
A fast-growing ground cover with strongly aromatic leaves, and bright pink flowers in early summer.
Thymus pulegioides
A fast-growing ground cover with strongly aromatic leaves, and lilac pink flowers in early summer.
A fast-growing ground cover with strongly aromatic leaves, and lilac pink flowers in early summer.
Tinantia pringlei ‘Variegata’
Tinantia pringlei ‘Variegata’ is a variegated Commelinaceae with cream-white stripes and dark sprinkles on top.
Tinantia pringlei ‘Variegata’ is a variegated Commelinaceae with cream-white stripes and dark sprinkles on top.
Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘Ogon Nishiki’
A climbing jasmine with colorful foliage, resistant to sun and drought, producing a multitude of white flowers throughout the summer.
A climbing jasmine with colorful foliage, resistant to sun and drought, producing a multitude of white flowers throughout the summer.
Tradescantia andersoniana ‘Blushing Bride’
A Tradescantia with gorgeous blushes of pink and white that appear in the coldest nights.
A Tradescantia with gorgeous blushes of pink and white that appear in the coldest nights.
Tradescantia blossfeldiana ‘Red Hill’
Also known as Tradescantia cerinthoides, this variety has a darker foliage, fuzzy underleaves and a powerful sun and drought resistance.
Also known as Tradescantia cerinthoides, this variety has a darker foliage, fuzzy underleaves and a powerful sun and drought resistance.
Valeriana officinalis
Valeriana officinalis is a perennial flowering plant that produces sweetly scented pink or white flowers all summer long.
Valeriana officinalis is a perennial flowering plant that produces sweetly scented pink or white flowers all summer long.
Verbena bonariensis
Long stalks with light, floating purple specks that attract bees
Long stalks with light, floating purple specks that attract bees
Veronica spicata
Veronica spicata is a flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae that produces graphically striking, blue candle-like flowers.
Veronica spicata is a flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae that produces graphically striking, blue candle-like flowers.
Vinca major
Vinca major a trailing vine, spreading along the ground to form dense masses of groundcover, come sun, come shade.
Vinca major a trailing vine, spreading along the ground to form dense masses of groundcover, come sun, come shade.
Vinca major ‘Variegata’
Vinca major Variegata is a trailing vine with a magnificent color variegation, spreading along the ground to form dense masses of groundcover, come sun, come shade.
Vinca major Variegata is a trailing vine with a magnificent color variegation, spreading along the ground to form dense masses of groundcover, come sun, come shade.
Vinca minor
A trailing subshrub that is known for its looping elegance and ability to form low ground covers that flower in spring and summer.
A trailing subshrub that is known for its looping elegance and ability to form low ground covers that flower in spring and summer.