Salvia ‘Icterina’ is a particularly drought resistant variety, with long aromatic leaves that are variegated with pale green and golden yellow.
As she forms into a bush, the result is really spectacular – the colors are vivacious and the fragrance overpowering.
- Plant one Salvia officinalis ‘Icterina’ and one Salvia Purpurea (repeat as many times as you need) to have a multi-colored, patterned, aromatic patch of your garden.
The Tale:
The binary name, officinalis, refers to the plant’s medicinal use—the officina was the traditional storeroom of a monastery where herbs and medicines were stored.
Additionally, for those color enthusiasts out there – the color sage comes from the color of the foliage of the common (is she common though?) sage.
The sage is sage.
Treated as a holy herb by the Romans, planted in monasteries under Charlemagne before becoming an indispensable herb of great renown during the Middle Ages.
A soap, a soup, a cleansing herb for the house and the mind, a toothpaste, an infusion that wards off the plague… whatever you needed, salvia would bring you your salvation.
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