Jacobaea maritima is a wooly white, drought tolerant perennial from the Aster family.
The leaves are silvery-gray, deeply lobed and they are soft to the touch.
The Tales:
Jacobaea maritima used to be Senecio cineraria but was subsequently reclassified.
She is often confused with Centaurea maritima and it’s true – they look very similiar…
For those who want to be in the know:
Jacobaea maritima is from the Central Mediterranean, has a more two-dimensional appearance to the foliage and produces yellow florets when it flowers.
Seneciocineraria is from the Italian island of Capraia, has finer, more sub-divided foliage and produces a three-dimensional appearance and flowers in a purple thistle form.
Other Names:
Silver ragwort
Dusty Miller
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