Aloe vera
The Aloe vera plant is a perennial succulent plant known mainly for the unctuous gel hidden in its leaves, used for centuries for its health, beauty, medicinal and skin care properties.
The Aloe vera plant is a perennial succulent plant known mainly for the unctuous gel hidden in its leaves, used for centuries for its health, beauty, medicinal and skin care properties.
Anthemis tinctoria ‘E.C. Buxton’
Anthemis tinctoria ‘E.C. Buxton’ is a hardy perennial with soft, ferny leaves that produce lemon yellow daisies all throughout the summer.
Anthemis tinctoria ‘E.C. Buxton’ is a hardy perennial with soft, ferny leaves that produce lemon yellow daisies all throughout the summer.
Chamaemelum nobile
Chamaemelum nobile a low perennial plant with bright daisy-like flowers, known for flavoring teas and syrups.
Chamaemelum nobile a low perennial plant with bright daisy-like flowers, known for flavoring teas and syrups.
Chrysanthemum ‘Julie Lagravère’
A highly floriferous perennial that produces many small, deep red colored flowers all throughout the autumn season.
A highly floriferous perennial that produces many small, deep red colored flowers all throughout the autumn season.
Chrysanthemum ‘Mei Kyo’
A compact, highly floriferous perennial that produces vibrant pink double pom-pom flowers all throughout the autumn season.
A compact, highly floriferous perennial that produces vibrant pink double pom-pom flowers all throughout the autumn season.
Chrysanthemum x rubellum ‘Dernier Soleil’
A highly floriferous perennial that produces large yellow flowers tipped with coppery-orange hues all throughout the autumn season.
A highly floriferous perennial that produces large yellow flowers tipped with coppery-orange hues all throughout the autumn season.
Delosperma cooperi
Delosperma cooperi is a dwarf perennial known for its drought tolerance, its ability to withstand the summer heat and the vermillion colored flowers that blossom throughout the summer.
Delosperma cooperi is a dwarf perennial known for its drought tolerance, its ability to withstand the summer heat and the vermillion colored flowers that blossom throughout the summer.
Erigeron kavinskianus
A daisy-like flowering plant that creates long-blooming carpets of flowers.
A daisy-like flowering plant that creates long-blooming carpets of flowers.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald & Gold’
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald & Gold’ is a dwarf variety of the common Euonymus – magnificent, frost hardy and drought tolerant with bright green-gold leaves.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald & Gold’ is a dwarf variety of the common Euonymus – magnificent, frost hardy and drought tolerant with bright green-gold leaves.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’ is a small bushy variety of the common Euonymus – magnificent, frost hardy and drought tolerant with round green leaves with bright white margins.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’ is a small bushy variety of the common Euonymus – magnificent, frost hardy and drought tolerant with round green leaves with bright white margins.
Euphorbia cyparissias Clarice Howard
A cultivar of Euphorbia that brings a splash of color to a dry area.
A cultivar of Euphorbia that brings a splash of color to a dry area.
Festuca glauca
A perennial, ornamental grass noted for its finely-textured, metallic blue foliage.
A perennial, ornamental grass noted for its finely-textured, metallic blue foliage.
Geranium ‘Dreamland’
Geranium ‘Dreamland’ has striking green foliage and a very long flowering season that produce delicate white flowers with light pink veins .
Geranium ‘Dreamland’ has striking green foliage and a very long flowering season that produce delicate white flowers with light pink veins .
Geranium sanguineum ‘Hannelore’
Geranium sanguineum ‘Hannelore’ is a hardy geranium, set apart by its low-growing habit and its bright pink flowers etched with dark purple veins.
Geranium sanguineum ‘Hannelore’ is a hardy geranium, set apart by its low-growing habit and its bright pink flowers etched with dark purple veins.
Helichrysum orientale
A perennial plant with soft, ash gray foliage.
A perennial plant with soft, ash gray foliage.
Heuchera x villosa ‘Black Pearl’
Heuchera x villosa ‘Black Pearl’ is a striking jet black, highly tolerant, adaptable Heuchera.
Heuchera x villosa ‘Black Pearl’ is a striking jet black, highly tolerant, adaptable Heuchera.
Hieracium maculatum ‘Leopard’
An evergreen perennial with blue-green leaves, flecked with rich maroon purple.
An evergreen perennial with blue-green leaves, flecked with rich maroon purple.
Jacobaea maritima
A wooly white perennial plant from the Mediterranean region.
A wooly white perennial plant from the Mediterranean region.
Kalanchoe laetivirens (Aranto)
Kalanchoe laetivirens is a species of Kalanchoe with large all-green leaves and thousands of pups along their broad edges.
Kalanchoe laetivirens is a species of Kalanchoe with large all-green leaves and thousands of pups along their broad edges.
Lavandula angustifolia
Lavandula angustifolia, known as English lavendar, is a highly aromatic, drought resistant, hardy, flowering perennial used for cooking in many cultures.
Lavandula angustifolia, known as English lavendar, is a highly aromatic, drought resistant, hardy, flowering perennial used for cooking in many cultures.
Lotus hirsutus
Lotus hirsutus is a semi-evergreen shrub with soft, silver-grey leaves that is both drought tolerant and loves the sun.
Lotus hirsutus is a semi-evergreen shrub with soft, silver-grey leaves that is both drought tolerant and loves the sun.
Mesembryanthemum cordifolium
A species of succulent plant in the iceplant family that produces carmine flowers.
A species of succulent plant in the iceplant family that produces carmine flowers.
Muehlenbeckia complexa ‘Golden Girl’
Muehlenbeckia complexa ‘Golden Girl’ is a fast-growing, golden-leaved ground cover or a trailing plant that is both drought and wind resistant.
Muehlenbeckia complexa ‘Golden Girl’ is a fast-growing, golden-leaved ground cover or a trailing plant that is both drought and wind resistant.
Potentilla anserina
A distinctly silvery, silky and lacy perennial.
A distinctly silvery, silky and lacy perennial.
Rosmarinus officinalis
Rosmarinus officinalis is a drought tolerant, aromatic, perennial evergreen shrub in the mint family.
Rosmarinus officinalis is a drought tolerant, aromatic, perennial evergreen shrub in the mint family.
Salvia microphylla
A fragrant, hardy and drought tolerant evergreen shrub with a bright and abundant flowering season.
A fragrant, hardy and drought tolerant evergreen shrub with a bright and abundant flowering season.
Salvia officinalis
Salvia officinalis is a member of the Lamiaceae family, known for its aromatic properties and long-standing relationship with mankind.
Salvia officinalis is a member of the Lamiaceae family, known for its aromatic properties and long-standing relationship with mankind.
Salvia officinalis ‘Bergartten’
Salvia officinalis ‘Bergartten’ is a variety of sage that is prized for its large, round silver-blue leaves and soft blooms in the summer.
Salvia officinalis ‘Bergartten’ is a variety of sage that is prized for its large, round silver-blue leaves and soft blooms in the summer.
Santolina chamaecyparissus
Santolina chamaecyparissus is a fragrant, evergreen shrub that is densely covered in aromatic, grey-green leaves.
Santolina chamaecyparissus is a fragrant, evergreen shrub that is densely covered in aromatic, grey-green leaves.
Satureja montana
A sweet smelling culinary herb from Europe
A sweet smelling culinary herb from Europe