Salvia microphylla
A fragrant, hardy and drought tolerant evergreen shrub with a bright and abundant flowering season.
A fragrant, hardy and drought tolerant evergreen shrub with a bright and abundant flowering season.
Sedum morganianum ‘Burrito’
Sedum morganianum ‘Burrito’ is a particularly graphic succulent that develops thick trailing stems covered with overlapping, plump, blue-green leaves as it grows.
Sedum morganianum ‘Burrito’ is a particularly graphic succulent that develops thick trailing stems covered with overlapping, plump, blue-green leaves as it grows.
Thymus Coccineus – ‘Creeping Red’
Thymus Coccineus ‘Creeping Red’ has deep-green, aromatic foliage that is sprinkled with light rose-coloured flowers all summer-long.
Thymus Coccineus ‘Creeping Red’ has deep-green, aromatic foliage that is sprinkled with light rose-coloured flowers all summer-long.
Tradescantia sillamontana ‘Variegata’
Tradescantia sillamontana ‘Variegata’ is a fuzzy, bright yellow, drought-resistant, heat-resistant variation on the theme of Tradescantia.
Tradescantia sillamontana ‘Variegata’ is a fuzzy, bright yellow, drought-resistant, heat-resistant variation on the theme of Tradescantia.