Achillea ptarmica “Snowball”
A hardy perennial with a long flowering season, producing mellifluous white pompom flowers to attract bees to your garden all summer long.
A hardy perennial with a long flowering season, producing mellifluous white pompom flowers to attract bees to your garden all summer long.
Ajuga reptans ‘Atropurpurea’
A low-growing dark purple groundcover with colorful blooms.
A low-growing dark purple groundcover with colorful blooms.
Ajuga reptans ‘Purple Torch’
A low-growing plant known for its dark green-bronze leaves
A low-growing plant known for its dark green-bronze leaves
Allium ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum
A large bulb loved for its garlic flavoured leaves
A large bulb loved for its garlic flavoured leaves
Aristaloe aristata
A evergreen flowering graphically striking succulent
A evergreen flowering graphically striking succulent
Artemisia absinthium ‘Lambrook Silver’
A highly fragrant, beautifully silver-grey bush with soft leaves and yellow flowers.
A highly fragrant, beautifully silver-grey bush with soft leaves and yellow flowers.
Billbergia nutans
A bromeliad featuring a three colored, striped flower
A bromeliad featuring a three colored, striped flower
Carex buchananii
A perennial copper-bronze grass
A perennial copper-bronze grass
Carex hachijoensis ‘Evergold’
An evergreen perennial grass with striped yellow-gold foliage.
An evergreen perennial grass with striped yellow-gold foliage.
Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’
A perennial grass loved for high arching, green and cream leaves
A perennial grass loved for high arching, green and cream leaves
Centaurea atropurpurea
A perennial thistle with intensely purplish-red flowers
A perennial thistle with intensely purplish-red flowers
Centaurea montana
A perennial thistle with bright blue flowers atop silver green foliage
A perennial thistle with bright blue flowers atop silver green foliage
Cistus x nigricans
A bush with dark green fragrant leaves that smell of summer
A bush with dark green fragrant leaves that smell of summer
Crassula muscosa
A succulent with thin, spiralling square leaves
A succulent with thin, spiralling square leaves
Crassula ovata ‘Minor’
A branching succulent with round, color-shifting leaves.
A branching succulent with round, color-shifting leaves.
Crassula perforata
A slow-growing succulent with graphic rambling stems
A slow-growing succulent with graphic rambling stems
Crassula tetragona
A succulent with dark green, sword-shaped leaves.
A succulent with dark green, sword-shaped leaves.
Echinacea purpurea
A perennial with purple flowers all summer long
A perennial with purple flowers all summer long
Echinops ritro
Tall, electric blue globe thistles
Tall, electric blue globe thistles
Erodium pelargoniiflorum ‘Sweetheart’
A cousin of geraniums with wondrous flowers.
A cousin of geraniums with wondrous flowers.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald & Gold’
A dwarf variety with bright green-gold leaves.
A dwarf variety with bright green-gold leaves.
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’
Bush with round green leaves with bright white margins
Bush with round green leaves with bright white margins
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae
Dark green leaves that prefer the dry shade
Dark green leaves that prefer the dry shade
Euphorbia cyparissias Clarice Howard
A Euphorbia that resembles a soft little cyprus tree
A Euphorbia that resembles a soft little cyprus tree
Euphorbia myrsinites
Known for its draping form of silver-gray foliage and radiant blooms.
Known for its draping form of silver-gray foliage and radiant blooms.
Geranium ‘Dreamland’
Bright green foliage and delicate white flowers with light pink veins
Bright green foliage and delicate white flowers with light pink veins
Geranium ‘Rozanne’
A hardy geranium with bright blue+white flowers
A hardy geranium with bright blue+white flowers
Geranium cinereum ‘Ballerina’
A dwarf hardy geranium with pink flowers from the mountains
A dwarf hardy geranium with pink flowers from the mountains
Geranium macrorrhizum
A fragrant ground cover with pale pink flowers
A fragrant ground cover with pale pink flowers
Geranium sanguineum ‘Elsbeth’
A hardy geranium known for its magenta-pink flowers and attractive foliage
A hardy geranium known for its magenta-pink flowers and attractive foliage