Achillea millefolium ‘Red Velvet’
A flowering perennial known for its deep red flowers and long flowering season.
A flowering perennial known for its deep red flowers and long flowering season.
Achillea millefolium ‘Terracotta’
A flowering perennial known for its flowers that shift in color from bright orange to soft terracotta tones as they age.
A flowering perennial known for its flowers that shift in color from bright orange to soft terracotta tones as they age.
Achillea millefolium ‘Wesersandstein’
A striking flowering perennial known for its beautiful pink color-shifting flowers and long flowering season.
A striking flowering perennial known for its beautiful pink color-shifting flowers and long flowering season.
Achillea millefolium ‘White Beauty’
A tall, flowering drought-tolerant and resilient perennial with powerful medicinal properties.
A tall, flowering drought-tolerant and resilient perennial with powerful medicinal properties.
Achillea ptarmica “Snowball”
A hardy perennial with a long flowering season, producing mellifluous white pompom flowers to attract bees to your garden all summer long.
A hardy perennial with a long flowering season, producing mellifluous white pompom flowers to attract bees to your garden all summer long.
Achillea x clypeolata ‘Little Moonshine’
A compact variety of yarrow, prized for its bright yellow flowers and silvery-gray foliage.
A compact variety of yarrow, prized for its bright yellow flowers and silvery-gray foliage.
Ajuga reptans ‘Atropurpurea’
Ajuga reptans ‘Atropurpurea’ is a popular, low-growing groundcover plant known for its attractive, dark foliage and colorful blooms.
Ajuga reptans ‘Atropurpurea’ is a popular, low-growing groundcover plant known for its attractive, dark foliage and colorful blooms.
Ajuga reptans ‘Purple Torch’
Ajuga reptans ‘Purple Torch’ is a popular, low-growing groundcover plant known for its dark green leaves that shift to bronze in winter and the profusion of lilac blooms in the summer.
Ajuga reptans ‘Purple Torch’ is a popular, low-growing groundcover plant known for its dark green leaves that shift to bronze in winter and the profusion of lilac blooms in the summer.
Allium ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum
Allium ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum is a member of the onion family, known for its large bulb that produces a tall, solid, flowering stalk and garlic flavoured leaves.
Allium ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum is a member of the onion family, known for its large bulb that produces a tall, solid, flowering stalk and garlic flavoured leaves.
Aloe vera
The Aloe vera plant is a perennial succulent plant known mainly for the unctuous gel hidden in its leaves, used for centuries for its health, beauty, medicinal and skin care properties.
The Aloe vera plant is a perennial succulent plant known mainly for the unctuous gel hidden in its leaves, used for centuries for its health, beauty, medicinal and skin care properties.
Anthemis tinctoria ‘E.C. Buxton’
Anthemis tinctoria ‘E.C. Buxton’ is a hardy perennial with soft, ferny leaves that produce lemon yellow daisies all throughout the summer.
Anthemis tinctoria ‘E.C. Buxton’ is a hardy perennial with soft, ferny leaves that produce lemon yellow daisies all throughout the summer.
Artemisia abrotanum
Artemisia abrotanum is a highly fragrant, medicinal and striking grey-green bush.
Artemisia abrotanum is a highly fragrant, medicinal and striking grey-green bush.
Artemisia alba subsp camphorata
A highly fragrant, medicinal and striking grey-green bush.
A highly fragrant, medicinal and striking grey-green bush.
Calendula officinalis
A glorious medicinal and tinctorial herb.
A glorious medicinal and tinctorial herb.
Chamaemelum nobile
Chamaemelum nobile a low perennial plant with bright daisy-like flowers, known for flavoring teas and syrups.
Chamaemelum nobile a low perennial plant with bright daisy-like flowers, known for flavoring teas and syrups.
Cymbopogon flexuosus
Lemongrass is an aromatic tropical grass cultivated primarily for culinary use.
Lemongrass is an aromatic tropical grass cultivated primarily for culinary use.
Echinacea purpurea
A hardy, fast growing, perennial with a generous flowering period of up to five months.
A hardy, fast growing, perennial with a generous flowering period of up to five months.
Galium odoratum
A perennial ground cover that, if you squint, resemble a forest of little palm trees as seen from on high.
A perennial ground cover that, if you squint, resemble a forest of little palm trees as seen from on high.
Geranium ‘Dreamland’
Geranium ‘Dreamland’ has striking green foliage and a very long flowering season that produce delicate white flowers with light pink veins .
Geranium ‘Dreamland’ has striking green foliage and a very long flowering season that produce delicate white flowers with light pink veins .
Geranium ‘Rozanne’
Geranium ‘Rozanne’ is a drought tolerant and hardy geranium, featuring a two-colored flowers that bloom continuously for several months.
Geranium ‘Rozanne’ is a drought tolerant and hardy geranium, featuring a two-colored flowers that bloom continuously for several months.
Geranium macrorrhizum
Geranium macchorhizum is a perennial geranium, known for its sprawling growth habit, magnificent pale pink flowers and its ability to thrive in difficult conditions.
Geranium macchorhizum is a perennial geranium, known for its sprawling growth habit, magnificent pale pink flowers and its ability to thrive in difficult conditions.
Geranium sanguineum ‘Elsbeth’
Geranium sanguineum ‘Elsbeth’ is a hardy geranium known as Bloody Cranesbill, appreciated for its long blooming magenta-pink flowers and attractive foliage.
Geranium sanguineum ‘Elsbeth’ is a hardy geranium known as Bloody Cranesbill, appreciated for its long blooming magenta-pink flowers and attractive foliage.
Glechoma hederacea ‘Variegata’
A striking ground cover, also called variegated ground ivy, known for its fragrant, unusually variegated foliage forming a dense ground cover.
A striking ground cover, also called variegated ground ivy, known for its fragrant, unusually variegated foliage forming a dense ground cover.
Helichrysum italicum
An evergrey, fragrant perennial that will bring a distinctly Mediterranean atmosphere.
An evergrey, fragrant perennial that will bring a distinctly Mediterranean atmosphere.
Hellebore argutifolius
A perennial with marbled blue-green toothed leaves that produce winter blooms of pistachio-green flowers.
A perennial with marbled blue-green toothed leaves that produce winter blooms of pistachio-green flowers.
Heuchera ‘Prince’
Known for its drought tolerance and its wonderfully ruffled dark purple/black foliage with red undertones.
Known for its drought tolerance and its wonderfully ruffled dark purple/black foliage with red undertones.
Lavandula angustifolia
Lavandula angustifolia, known as English lavendar, is a highly aromatic, drought resistant, hardy, flowering perennial used for cooking in many cultures.
Lavandula angustifolia, known as English lavendar, is a highly aromatic, drought resistant, hardy, flowering perennial used for cooking in many cultures.
Lavandula stoechas
Lavendula stoechas is a highly aromatic, velvet-leaved, drought resistant, flowering perennial.
Lavendula stoechas is a highly aromatic, velvet-leaved, drought resistant, flowering perennial.
Leonotis leonurus
Leonotis leonurus, also known as lion’s tail, is a plant species in the mint family, Lamiaceae.
Leonotis leonurus, also known as lion’s tail, is a plant species in the mint family, Lamiaceae.
Liriope muscari ‘Big Blue’
Liriope muscari ‘Big Blue’ is a perennial with grass-like foliage that remains green year round, producing spikes of lilac flowers in the fall.
Liriope muscari ‘Big Blue’ is a perennial with grass-like foliage that remains green year round, producing spikes of lilac flowers in the fall.