Achillea filipendulina ‘Coronation Gold’
A tall flowering perennial known for its bright yellow flowers and long flowering season.
A tall flowering perennial known for its bright yellow flowers and long flowering season.
Achillea millefolium ‘Apfelblute’ (Apple Blossom)
A striking flowering perennial known for its beautiful lilac flowers and long flowering season.
A striking flowering perennial known for its beautiful lilac flowers and long flowering season.
Achillea millefolium ‘Cerise Queen’
A striking flowering perennial known for its beautiful magenta flowers, contrasted by a soft cream centre and long flowering season.
A striking flowering perennial known for its beautiful magenta flowers, contrasted by a soft cream centre and long flowering season.
Achillea millefolium ‘Red Velvet’
A flowering perennial known for its deep red flowers and long flowering season.
A flowering perennial known for its deep red flowers and long flowering season.
Achillea millefolium ‘Tutti Frutti Apricot Delight’
A striking flowering perennial known for its beautiful peach-apricot flowers and long flowering season.
A striking flowering perennial known for its beautiful peach-apricot flowers and long flowering season.
Achillea millefolium ‘Wesersandstein’
A striking flowering perennial known for its beautiful pink color-shifting flowers and long flowering season.
A striking flowering perennial known for its beautiful pink color-shifting flowers and long flowering season.
Achilléa sibirica var. camtschatica ‘Love Parade’
A unique variety with large pink flowers and shiny foliage
A unique variety with large pink flowers and shiny foliage
Achillea x clypeolata ‘Little Moonshine’
A compact yarrow, known for its bright yellow flowers
A compact yarrow, known for its bright yellow flowers
Aegopodium podagraria ‘Variegata’
A popular light, green and white groundcover.
A popular light, green and white groundcover.
Ajuga reptans ‘Atropurpurea’
A low-growing dark purple groundcover with colorful blooms.
A low-growing dark purple groundcover with colorful blooms.
Ajuga reptans ‘Purple Torch’
A low-growing plant known for its dark green-bronze leaves
A low-growing plant known for its dark green-bronze leaves
Aloe vera
A succulent known for the unctuous gel hidden in its leaves
A succulent known for the unctuous gel hidden in its leaves
Anthemis punctata cupaniana
Daisy-like flowers on a carpet of aromatic lacey grey leaves
Daisy-like flowers on a carpet of aromatic lacey grey leaves
Anthemis tinctoria ‘E.C. Buxton’
Lemon yellow daisies atop soft, ferny leaves
Lemon yellow daisies atop soft, ferny leaves
Aristaloe aristata
A evergreen flowering graphically striking succulent
A evergreen flowering graphically striking succulent
Artemisia absinthium
A highly fragrant, medicinal and striking grey-green bush with yellow flowers.
A highly fragrant, medicinal and striking grey-green bush with yellow flowers.
Artemisia absinthium ‘Lambrook Silver’
A highly fragrant, beautifully silver-grey bush with soft leaves and yellow flowers.
A highly fragrant, beautifully silver-grey bush with soft leaves and yellow flowers.
Ballota pseudodictamnus
An unusually soft, grey flowering plant from the mint family.
An unusually soft, grey flowering plant from the mint family.
Billbergia nutans
A bromeliad featuring a three colored, striped flower
A bromeliad featuring a three colored, striped flower
Carex buchananii
A perennial copper-bronze grass
A perennial copper-bronze grass
Carex hachijoensis ‘Evergold’
An evergreen perennial grass with striped yellow-gold foliage.
An evergreen perennial grass with striped yellow-gold foliage.
Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’
A perennial grass loved for high arching, green and cream leaves
A perennial grass loved for high arching, green and cream leaves
Centaurea atropurpurea
A perennial thistle with intensely purplish-red flowers
A perennial thistle with intensely purplish-red flowers
Centaurea montana
A perennial thistle with bright blue flowers atop silver green foliage
A perennial thistle with bright blue flowers atop silver green foliage
Cerastium tomentosum var. columnae
A grey-green spreading ground cover from the mountains.
A grey-green spreading ground cover from the mountains.
Chamaemelum nobile
A perennial with bright daisy-like flowers, known for flavoring teas and syrups.
A perennial with bright daisy-like flowers, known for flavoring teas and syrups.
Chrysanthemum ‘Julie Lagravère’
A perennial that produces many burgundy red flowers
A perennial that produces many burgundy red flowers
Chrysanthemum ‘Mei Kyo’
A perennial with pink double pom-pom flowers
A perennial with pink double pom-pom flowers
Chrysanthemum x rubellum ‘Dernier Soleil’
A perennial with large yellow flowers tipped with coppery-orange hues
A perennial with large yellow flowers tipped with coppery-orange hues
Cistus x nigricans
A bush with dark green fragrant leaves that smell of summer
A bush with dark green fragrant leaves that smell of summer