OK So… When Should You Plant Hardy Sages ?

      The quick answer is : it’s almost time!

      The longer answer is:

      • Spring (March to May): Typically the best time to plant sage in most regions of France. The soil has warmed up after winter, and there’s less risk of frost, allowing the plant to establish itself before the hot summer months. Planting in spring gives sage a full growing season to establish roots and prepare for periods of drought.
      • Fall (September to October): In milder climates (like in the south of France), you can plant sage in early fall. This allows the plant to establish its roots before the winter. However, you will need to protect it from frost during the first winter if you live in colder areas. Not ideal if you are not sure when the frost cycles will hit as the winters become a bit more erratic in their pacing.

      The main idea is to plant hardy sage varieties in spring (starting 4 weeks from now!) so that your garden can be sage-ful by the winter months.

      But… Why Should You Grow Hardy Sage?

      So why should you be growing hardy sage? All of the reasons:

      • Resilience: Sage is one of the toughest plants – drought tolerant, frost hardy. And it doesn’t mind a range of different soil conditions. If you have failed in the Dill or Basil departments, Sage can be your new family and best friend.
      • Versatility: Infusions, sauces both sweet and savoury, butter-mixtures, improved-eggs recipes, general seasoning, dried herbs, chicken improving herb, vegetable complexifying herb. It can do it all!
      • Low Maintenance: Sunny spot, water while it is settling it, then water occasionally and during heat waves. That’s all!
      • Perennial: Once established, sage can last for several years, growing new leaves for your culinary experiments every year.
      • Pollinator Magnet: Sage flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators to your garden, and it is also a fantastic companion for other plants in your vegetable garden (specifically cabbage and cauliflower as it repells pests).

      Here’s a guide for planting and caring for frost-tolerant sage:

      1. How to Choose the Right Type of Sage

      Some sage varieties are more frost-tolerant than others. Here are a few you can consider:

      2. How to Choose the Right Location

      • Full Sun: Sage thrives in full sun, so choose a location that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.
      • Well-Drained Soil: Sage prefers well-drained, slightly alkaline soil. It really despises soggy or boggy conditions, so ensure that the soil is not too heavy or compacted. Adding sand or gravel can improve drainage.
      • Sheltered Spot: If you live in an area with severe winters, it’s ideal to plant sage in a sheltered spot that is protected from harsh winds and heavy snow, which can damage the plant.

      3. Planting Sage

      • Spacing: If you are planting multiple plants, make sure to leave about 50cm between the plants to allow for proper air circulation and growth.
      • Depth: Dig a hole at least twice as big as the root ball of the sage. The top of the root ball should be slightly below the level with the soil surface. This will allow for maximum water retention in the dry seasons.
      • Planting Time: Plant sage in the spring after the last frost to give it a full growing season to establish roots. In colder regions, you may also plant in the fall, but be sure to mulch heavily after planting to protect the roots during the winter.

      4. Winter Care

      Frost-tolerant does not mean that the meanest winter winds will not hurt!

      If a particularly tough storm is headed your way, make sure to protect your plants – including your frost tolerant sages!

      • Mulching: Apply a thick layer of mulch (such as straw, leaves, or wood chips) around the base of the plant to insulate the roots from freezing temperatures. Make sure there is a layer of soil between the roots and the mulch so that the decompostion of the mulch does not induce root rot.
      • Covering: If an extreme frost is predicted, you can cover your sage with a frost cloth to protect it from freezing temperatures.
      • Pruning: Cut back dead or damaged growth in early spring before new growth begins. Do not cut too much of the plant in the fall, as the growth can provide extra protection during the winter.

      5. Watering

      • Moderate Watering: Sage is drought-tolerant once established, but it still needs regular watering in its first season. Water the plant deeply but infrequently to avoid waterlogging. Sages hate overwatering and they won’t hesitate to show you (leaves wilting, root rot, stem decomposition) – less is always more with the Lady Sages.
      • Winter Dormancy: In winter, no watering! The plant enters a state of dormancy – this is like a state of hibernation. No water, no food, just observation, care & rest.

      6. Fertilization

      • Low Fertilization: Sage doesn’t need heavy fertilization. Over-fertilizing can lead to soft, weak growth that may be more susceptible to frost damage.

      7. Monitor for Disease

      Frost-tolerant sage is generally quite hardy, but keep an eye out for fungal issues, such as powdery mildew in the winter, and remove any affected leaves to prevent the spread.


      Planting frost-tolerant sage involves selecting hardy varieties, planting them in well-drained soil with plenty of sun, and taking steps to protect them during the colder months. With proper care, frost-tolerant sage will thrive and provide you with beautiful foliage and aromatic leaves for years to come!

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