Festuca glauca
An ornamental, metallic blue grass
An ornamental, metallic blue grass
Galium odoratum
A fragrant ground cover with a unique shape
A fragrant ground cover with a unique shape
Geranium ‘Dreamland’
Bright green foliage and delicate white flowers with light pink veins
Bright green foliage and delicate white flowers with light pink veins
Geranium ‘Rozanne’
A hardy geranium with bright blue+white flowers
A hardy geranium with bright blue+white flowers
Geranium cinereum ‘Ballerina’
A dwarf hardy geranium with pink flowers from the mountains
A dwarf hardy geranium with pink flowers from the mountains
Geranium macrorrhizum
A fragrant ground cover with pale pink flowers
A fragrant ground cover with pale pink flowers
Geranium sanguineum ‘Elsbeth’
A hardy geranium known for its magenta-pink flowers and attractive foliage
A hardy geranium known for its magenta-pink flowers and attractive foliage
Geranium sanguineum ‘Hannelore’
A shorter hardy geranium with bright pink flowers and dark purple veins
A shorter hardy geranium with bright pink flowers and dark purple veins
Geranium x cantabrigiense ‘Biokovo’
A creeping geranium with color-shifting, aromatic leaves
A creeping geranium with color-shifting, aromatic leaves
Geum hybrid coccineum “Borisii Strain”
Loved for its neon orange-red petals and orange-yellow stamens
Loved for its neon orange-red petals and orange-yellow stamens
Glechoma hederacea
A sweet smelling ground cover, producing little blue flowers all summer long.
A sweet smelling ground cover, producing little blue flowers all summer long.
Glechoma hederacea ‘Variegata’
A ground cover known for its fragrant, unusually variegated foliage
A ground cover known for its fragrant, unusually variegated foliage
Helichrysum italicum
An evergrey, fragrant perennial that will bring a distinctly Mediterranean atmosphere.
An evergrey, fragrant perennial that will bring a distinctly Mediterranean atmosphere.
Helichrysum orientale
A perennial with soft, ash gray foliage and yellow button flowers
A perennial with soft, ash gray foliage and yellow button flowers
Hellebore argutifolius
Winter flowering perennial with marbled blue-green leaves
Winter flowering perennial with marbled blue-green leaves
Hieracium maculatum ‘Leopard’
A native perennial with blue-green leaves and a tall yellow flower
A native perennial with blue-green leaves and a tall yellow flower
Jacobaea maritima
A wooly white perennial plant from the Mediterranean region.
A wooly white perennial plant from the Mediterranean region.
Lavandula angustifolia
A highly aromatic, flowering perennial used for cooking in many cultures
A highly aromatic, flowering perennial used for cooking in many cultures
Lavandula stoechas
A highly aromatic, velvet-leaved, drought resistant, flowering perennial.
A highly aromatic, velvet-leaved, drought resistant, flowering perennial.
Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Brightside’
A bushy perennial that produces an explosion of large white flowers
A bushy perennial that produces an explosion of large white flowers
Lotus hirsutus
A semi-evergreen shrub with soft, silver-grey leaves that loves the sun
A semi-evergreen shrub with soft, silver-grey leaves that loves the sun
Melissa officinalis
A perennial plant in the mint family that is adored by bees, royal families and tea drinkers.
A perennial plant in the mint family that is adored by bees, royal families and tea drinkers.
Mentha suaveolens ‘Calixte’
A yellow-green dappled variation of the fuzzy mint.
A yellow-green dappled variation of the fuzzy mint.
Mentha x piperita ‘Chartreuse’
A spicy mint, known for its use in the production of liqueurs and herbal teas.
A spicy mint, known for its use in the production of liqueurs and herbal teas.
Miscanthus giganteus
A giant grass with blooming feathers.
A giant grass with blooming feathers.
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Purpurascens’
A color shifting, tall grass from Asia.
A color shifting, tall grass from Asia.
Nepeta cataria
Known for its grey-green, aromatic foliage and masses of lavender blue flowers.
Known for its grey-green, aromatic foliage and masses of lavender blue flowers.
Nepeta x faassenii
Catnip is known for its grey-green, aromatic foliage and masses of lavender blue flowers.
Catnip is known for its grey-green, aromatic foliage and masses of lavender blue flowers.
Nigella damascena
Delicate blue flowers surrounded by a green mist of lacy feathers for most of the summer.
Delicate blue flowers surrounded by a green mist of lacy feathers for most of the summer.
Phlox amplifolia
A tall plant with large fragrant and edible flowers
A tall plant with large fragrant and edible flowers